Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ten Ways to Help Your Pastor Fall

Prideful, idolatrous worship of one’s self is the ever-present sin of all of humanity.  The following are ways you can feed this sin to ruin your pastor:

1.       Say he is right with every decision.  Say he’s right on every doctrinal belief, regardless of Scripture.  Tell everyone that he is led directly by the Holy Spirit on everything.  Most importantly, if something goes wrong, make sure you say it is an attack from Satan (and never the result of a bad decision, choice or sin by the pastor). 

2.       Place all authority and leadership on him.  Sure, he’s not an Apostle, he didn’t write the Bible, we know he’s prone to sin as we are, but regardless of that, just give him the keys to everything – the money, methods of ministry, the direction of the church, your kids growth, ministry growth.  All to the pastor…that’s real biblical (not).  

3.       Make sure you set him up as your functional Holy Spirit - make sure that all of his convictions are upheld as the “best” for all people on planet earth.  Regardless of whether or not you believe his convictions, make sure you at least act like you do at church (think women’s clothing right now). 

4.       Do not read your Bible.  This way, you won’t recognize when your pastor is way-off in left field, talking about non-Gospel issues that divide rather than unite the body of Christ.
5.       When he does divide the body of Christ over non-fundamental issues (like what a pastor wears in the pulpit), encourage his positioning himself as the standard by which all others should be measured.

6.       Consider sin in the “average” Christian life to be ok, but shocking and unexpected in a pastor.  This does a great job of setting the pastor up as a functional priest or pope…perfect.

7.       Do NOT establish a strong group of leaders for your church – ensure that the pastor is the most powerful person in the church, without any peers (only subordinates).  Make sure that all associate pastors, or ministry leaders are submissive followers to him, even if it means that strong leaders leave your church or never come there at all. 

8.       Lavish gifts on him, even when there are poor people in your church and community that are suffering.  Big, beautiful home, really nice car, $500 suits, trips, etc.  Helps keep building his “eliteness” in his mind.

9.       When you never see your pastor repent or discuss his sin openly, pretend like it is because he is sinless (he’s a varsity Christian).  His repentance will fade from just being internal, private repentance into simply thinking about repentance instead of doing it, which will eventually lead to complete lack of repentance and acceptance of his own sin.

10.   If the pastor is exposed in sin, make sure you deflect the blame to external factors – her dress was too high, her shirt was too low, he didn’t know it was embezzlement, he didn’t know he was repeating a lie about other Christians, etc.  Start doing this with the small sins, and it will allow his sin to grow to gigantic proportions.

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